Smart Transport
- Smart Centrifuge Reports
- L-K Industries is working on the next generation of the Transport series
- Incorporates smart technology to reduce user error and provide more accurate readings
- Partnership with customers and 3rd Party development team
- Field testing of prototypes complete
- Patent pending
Human error has long plagued crude oil testing.
Basic sediment and water content (BS&W), which is currently determined manually after centrifugation and visual inspection, is riddled with opportunities for mistakes. Harried drivers, inconsistent analysis, missed steps, and variable test times are all problematic during the transfer of custody from suppliers to buyers. Currently there is no way to ensure that testing is performed to ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) and API (American Petroleum Institute) standards. Additionally, the only traceable data points are manually entered by drivers into data loggers. Ultimately, settling disputes on BS&W content must be conducted at third-party laboratory facilities – a costly and time-consuming task.
Traditional centrifuge testing of crude oil results in millions of overpaid dollars each year; it’s time that oil testing equipment joins the SMART generation.
L-K Industries’ SMART Transport utilizes automation, which drastically reduces human error and provides historical, traceable data in the case of transfer disputes. Its long-term success rests on producing repeatable images for accurate processing and adequate images for human viewing.
SMART Transport achieves automation using:- Temperature control for sample consistency
- Motor speed control for positioning
- Embedded computer
- Connection to a smart device
- Smart device app
- Camera for capturing digital images
- Image processing and analysis to determine BS&W content
- Transmission of data and images to a web server
Class I, Division 2 Heaters
- Criterion Water Bath Heater
- TradeMark Heater
- LP Gas Corrosion Test Cylinder Heater
- Refined Fuel Test Cylinder Heater
- All heaters are available in 110VAC or 220VAC configurations
- All Criterion and TradeMark heaters are compatible with A, B, C or D style tubes
Upcoming Projects
- Benchmark Platinum – ultra high-speed capability, Class I, Div 2, refined features, upgraded displays